Sunday, November 26, 2006

Puppy Update

26th November 2006

Both dun like the milk we bought. They drink but very little.

Thank goodness Bibi is letting them drink her milk again (when we "convince" her to).

They drink until damn fat fat loh!!!!

Tomorrow bringing them to the vet again for checkup.

Will ask the vet to weigh them keke.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Day 5 Puppies Report

Day 5

3:50 p.m.

I'm at work now blogging keke.

This morning I had to wake up at 6am to feed them and put the medication for Lao San.

A lot of people are asking if I'm selling. I really don't know how to answer. I was actually hoping that hubby will fall in love with both of them and we keep them both. Hee hee.

I know it's a selfish thought. But already my heart is connected to them. Even more so after Lao Da passed away.

Seeing them crawl around the bed, leaving wet trails of pee or drool sometimes makes me giggle.

Lao San is a greedy boy. Always hungry when awake. He even was trying to suckle my finger when I was preparing his milk.

It's a funny feeling when I feel his toothless gums "chomp" down on my finger.

I love tickling their bellies. So fat. So soft.

Lao San wounds are recovering. Smaller. My hubby said he squeezed out some pus from the bigger wounds ... but that's okay cause humans are like that too.

They're bigger since the first day. I keep forgetting to weigh them!!!

Lao Er one eye already half opened ... keke ... I wonder when their eyes would be fully opened and when would their first bark be.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Mad Rushing & Sleepless Night

22nd November 2006

12:00 P.M.

I left my office to rush to the hospital again ... to buy puppy milk powder and 2 little milk bottles.

Bibi getting a bit fussy about feeding Lao Er and Lao San.

I think her nipples are hurting.

12:50 P.M.

Grumpy cause of the stupid traffic jams during lunch hour.

Happy because the kids are sleeping like little angels.

Noticed that there's a little blood on Lao San's back when I cleaned him.

6:00 P.M.

Ate a hasty dinner and brought the kids and Bibi to the hospital again.

Doctor shaved Lao San's back and found SEVERAL PUNCTURE WOUNDS! His poor ears was halfway cut.

Bibi must have handled him too roughly in her anxiousness to protect her kids.

Poor Lao San. Doctor stitched his ear back and hopefully that will heal and gave us some antibiotics and medicated powder.

We're no longer letting Bibi take care of the kids.

Keeping them in a box lined with lots of cloth and a cushiony sponge underneath.

Feeding and applying medication and cleaning them is all done by us.

Last night woke up at least 3-4 times to feed them. The other like 5-8 times we woke up was caused by their crying (not for food) or Bibi barking her head off.


It is going to be a long time before we can get a good night's sleep. At least til the puppies are strong and big enough.

Ooh I gotta weigh them. Must buy 4D ... kakak.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

We will remember him

4:40 P.M

Lao Da has left us.

He will always be in our hearts.

From his little brown spots and perfect angel face.

We will always remember him.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

3:40 P.M

I'm in the office. Hubby msn-ed me.

Lao Da seems to be moving lesser than Lao Er and Lao San.

This is worrying. His body is colder too.

Hubby has moved Lao Da away from Bibi, wrapped him up warmly.

I am not sure of his appetite now, although he was quite well last night.

Considered the clever one as he is always able to find the nipple to drink milk.

But now, he's not drinking milk, not drinking the milk my hubby offers either.

Bibi has been ignoring him too.


Monday, November 20, 2006

Bibi's a mother of three

It all started with Bibi crying non-stop last night.

It was a different sort of cry. More of pain than of seeking for attention

I should have known then.

After I left for work, hubby called me when I reached he office.

"Bibi gave birth."

O_O <--- this was exactly my expression in the office while I was munching on my breakfast char siew pau.

"Are you serious?"


OMG I'm a grandmother!! hahah. Kinda.

My Bibi is a strong girl. Naturally gave birth to all 3 puppies.

She now looks like a mess, but I guess all mothers look like a mess after giving birth to triplets to less.

Aren't they adorable?

For now they're called Lao Da, Lao Er, and Lao San. All three are boys. Zhu Zhu must be proud.

Bibi's sleeping now, exhausted from all the motherly love she's been showering on her 3 new borns.

They are really small, only my palm size.

Intending to keep only one though (I wish I could keep all three). That one will be named Ber Ber.

I forgot who suggested it. But it's so that I'll have Zhu Bi Ber (glutinous rice porridge) I thought that would be cute.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

A Picture Entry

Smoking cool!

I wanna poo poo!!!

This is cheating sia!!! Folks ... check your sandwiches from now on.

Hardcore Game Fans - It is f-ing amazing how hardcore some gaming fans are.

The best wedding cake ... ever! More pics here.

I don't think I'll ever dare drink from this cup.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Motorshow 2006

DREAMY CAR!! I want that one!

I wanna do up my car like this. But in blue of course and with my own swirly designs.

Wanna see more cars ... clicky this link to my photos that I took from the motorshow.

Frankly this year besides the Subaru stunt show ... the cars are disappointing. A lot of big names were not there. Especially european cars.

Names not there that I know :
- Mercedes
- Porsche
- Peugeot (I wanna see their concept cars!)
- Rolls Royce
- Chevrolet
- Dodge Viper
- Volkswagen
- Mitsubishi

See! So many wonderful names not there.
I was also hoping to sit in a Peugeot 206 to get a pic ... of me in my DREAM CAR. *cries*

Oh yah! How could I leave out the highlight of my motorshow trip.

I'm VERY lucky to have friends working at Subaru for this roadshow. I didn't need to line up to get tickets for the stunt show. I didn't even need to line up to go in to sit!! Prime sitting!!!

After the show some more ... I got to ride in the back seat of my fave subaru car while the driver drifted like 3 rounds ... SWEE LOH!!!

Plus my darling Samsung E600 was SMOOTH in its recordings. Not exactly clear but smooooth.

Have fun watching.

clip 1
clip 2
clip 3
clip 4
clip 5
clip 6
clip 7
clip 8

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

it's gone?!?!?!?!

F***!!! S***!! DAMMIT!!!

I can't find that piece of paper!!!

I cannot find my marriage certificate!

Worse still I cannot even remember whether it was a piece like that or in a scroll. Should be a scroll ... I remember keeping a scroll box.

I have been searching for the whole weekend. Turning the house upside down, inside out.

Now house even messier than before.


I'm cleaning the whole f-ing house to find it. And if I still can't find it ... I'm going to my mom's place to search.




In other news, my Bibi is pregnant. Confirm liao. Her tummy so big and it feels like 2 or 3 pups in there. I'm bringing her to the doctor next weekend for advice and how to know when to bring her to the hospital for the birth/ceaserian.

But we're not keeping the puppies. My hubby doesn't allow plus we don't have the space nor the time. Will be selling the little tykes but most likely just to cover the cost of the hospital fees. Sigh.

My heart damn pain but no choice.

Any potential parents-to-be? *sniffles*

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


guess what guess what!!!!


I got my confirmation! Yeah ... I'm now a permanent employee of my company. WOohoo!

But then hor ... this kinda ups my expected commitment to the company too.

More commitment = more responsibilities = more work

Oh well ... guess I'll just try my best for the meanwhile.

I foresee super black panda eyes in the future for me.

So much work ... no time to do.

It was already a tiring night, but he ...

I better get back to work.